When the renovation of the office comes to the final stage, it’s time to think about how to fill the halls, workrooms with coziness, create a healthy atmosphere in which employees can fully work and relax with comfort. Landscaping will help to solve this problem. Numerous studies have proven the positive effects of plants on humans. They calm the nervous system and reduce stress. Therefore, most metropolitan organizations consider office greening as one of the prerequisites.

Features of office decoration using plants

Modern technologies involve the use of innovative solutions for office landscaping. For example, green living walls blooming in winter. For vertical gardening in Kiev, phytomodules are used that turn the office into an oasis of freshness. Having finished the repair of the office, they immediately proceed to their installation. Phytomodules have no analogs in terms of ease of installation and ease of plant care. For their device, not only shade-tolerant, unpretentious, but also flowering, exotic plants are suitable. But during the period of loss of decorativeness, such specimens will have to be replaced. The best option for decorating darkened rooms is artificial flowers.

However, living potted plants: succulents, ornamental-deciduous, flowering are oxygen generators. Thanks to indoor flowers, employees breathe clean air, which has a positive effect on well-being and minimizes morbidity. Greening the office ensures that the humidity level is always normal. This is especially true for offices equipped with a large number of computers and office equipment. Gardening today is not just a trend in design. This is an opportunity to create an optimal microclimate for the staff. The bright jade color of greenery helps to maintain activity, efficiency, and gives aesthetic pleasure.

Pros of office landscaping

The decoration of the company’s office, hotel hall, bank branch, coworking space should be entrusted to professionals. Firms engaged in complex landscaping will transform the interior space, create a colorful corner of unity with nature in the office, giving it presentability and individuality. Office landscaping allows you to achieve a great visual effect. By entrusting the work to experienced craftsmen, customers can count on

• development of a unique concept;
• preparation of a design project for landscaping;
• purchase by the contractor of materials for planting (plants, pots, all the necessary accessories);
• quality control of planting material;
• complex service: watering, care of planted plants;
• excellent result – stylish design, decorative effect.

A workspace devoid of greenery looks dull and lifeless. Greening, the office makes employees feel more comfortable. The selection of plants for landscaping takes place in accordance with many criteria. What matters is the density and height of the crown, size, color, shape of the leaves. Flowers, leaves of various colors, shapes give freshness, give the room a special charm. With the help of landscaping, it will not be difficult to refine even the most modest interior. Therefore, after finishing the renovation of the office, do not forget about landscaping – one of the most successful and affordable decorations for office space.