When creating an office space, we take into account both the physical and psychological comfort of the employees of the future office. As you know, a person is able to work productively for only five hours a day, and a comfortable office is designed not to make him sit out all the prescribed eight hours, but to help him switch: to communicate with colleagues, discussion, rest.
Office design trends highlight four main pillars in the design of the workspace, which are already being followed by the world’s leading companies.

  • Working flexibility

The modern office refuses to be rigidly bound to the workplace: its regular change within the office is an additional opportunity to go beyond the routine and work productively outside of the “home desk” zone. Soon, the assignment of permanent positions to employees will not be important, since the solution to work issues becomes more and more mobile. For such moments, corners with high chairs and tables are installed in offices, where, while sitting comfortably, you can discuss a work issue.

  • Communication

A common mistake in the design of offices is an excessive concern for productivity, when you really need to worry about something else: about engaging in communication with colleagues, the ability to switch to discussion and exchange of experience. The result of such an error is a lack of areas for communication and interaction. Multiple meeting rooms of different sizes and shapes are a key trend in the modern office. A close-knit team is a great power! That is why the transition to a system of unsecured workplaces and the creation of spaces for communication is now relevant for companies – these are not only meeting rooms, but also entire libraries, gyms, play areas.

  • Recreation area

The zone is designed for relaxation and distraction – here employees can either discuss a work issue or take a short break from their duties. You can’t do without daylight, living plants, natural interior elements, comfortable seating and nooks. We advise you to completely separate the recreation area from the workspace in order to avoid the eternal conflict of interests – work and relaxation.

  • “Green” office

Firstly, green areas of office space will help protect you from stress, enrich the room with oxygen, and create comfort. Secondly, it is corporations that influence the environment in one way or another, so the desire to make the office as environmentally friendly as possible is the main hit in interior design. And for this it is not necessary to start a multi-million dollar project – there are a lot of available methods to translate office life into an eco-channel. For example, allocate a small kitchen space – in addition to undeniable convenience, it will significantly reduce the use of disposable tableware. A more advanced approach is solar panels as a source of electricity for lighting a room in the evening.