Offices have become almost home to many people in the modern world, so the owners try to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. To add color to the interior and increase comfort, they decorate the room with ornamental plants. They not only improve the air, but have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of people. According to some studies, indoor landscaping improves employee mood and productivity.
Professional office furnishing services
Experts recommend thinking about interior landscaping at the design planning stage when renovating an office (and not after the room is furnished). The arrangement can be done independently, but it is better to contact specialized companies offering their services. Qualified professionals will help you find the right plants, pots, and other decorative items for your work area.
How to choose the right plants?
To decorate the interior after the renovation of the office, both large plants with large green leaves and undersized ones can be used. It is preferable to choose non-capricious crops that require minimal maintenance. In most cases, ornamental plants are brought from different countries and continents, which do not tolerate the climatic conditions of our country. When buying, take into account not only the appearance but also the requirements for light, watering, temperature, moisture level, fertilizers.
Other details to look out for before renovating an office:
1. Pot Type. The choice depends on the height of the plant, the furnishings of the room, and many other factors.
2. Location. The bright part of the office by the window is an ideal area for indoor flowers.
Types of office plants
The most common:
1. Aeschinanthus Lobba. Relatively unpretentious plant. It is used for offices and residential buildings. The culture grows up to 60 cm.
2. Ehmeya striped. It is often used for landscaping offices and shops, as well as courtyards. The height of the plant does not exceed 80 cm, and the width is 60 cm.
3. Akalifa is bristly. The flower is suitable for landscaping offices and restaurants, patios, balconies, terraces, etc. With proper care and adherence to agricultural technology, the crop can reach a width of 50 cm and a height of 2.5 m.
4. Wonderful ginger (Zingiber Spectabile). A very beautiful plant with interesting colors. The crop grows up to 2 m, suitable for offices and business centers where there are high ceilings so that the plants can develop normally.
5. Torenia Fournier. The beautiful flower comes from South Asia. The crop does not grow tall, making it suitable for growing in any room. Its stems are delicate and fragile, hanging down over time, which makes the culture even more attractive.
6. Acanthus prickly. The flower was imported from southeastern Europe. Used as an accent for landscaping courtyards, villas, rock gardens and other spaces. The culture is often used to decorate office and other business buildings.
There are many interesting plants on the market for light and dark environments. Having completed the renovation of the office, you can fill the interior with vegetation and other decorative elements: stones and various compositions from natural materials.