During the renovation of the office, it’s time to think about how best to equip a recreation area where employees can relax, so that afterward they can take up work with renewed vigor. The main task is to create an atmosphere of peace and comfort in this room. To do this, you need to carefully consider every detail, from color and decor, and ending with furniture.
Choosing the right style for decorating a room
In order for the recreation area to look harmonious and pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to decide in advance on the most suitable design style, so that during the renovation of office premises the workers know exactly what guidelines they should adhere to. Many people prefer modern types of design – hi-tech, minimalism or modern, but when it comes to a relaxation room, you should give preference to something warmer and more comfortable. A classic is perfect or an option in which elements of several classic styles will be mixed at once.
It is better to choose furniture that is solid and soft, and arrange it in such a way that the employees are comfortable conducting a conversation. Several armchairs should be placed at some distance in case someone wants to be in silence, not being distracted by general chatter.
Color solutions
The relaxation room should be designed in such a way that everything in it promotes relaxation and tranquility. So the idea of ​​brightly colored walls should be abandoned right away – such an abundance of brightness will greatly distract and even annoying. It is best if the colors are restrained. All shades of burgundy and beige are great, which will perfectly harmonize with furniture made in a classic style. Colorful paintings or textiles can be used to add some bold accents.
Lighting and attention to detail
To illuminate the recreation area, it is preferable to use not one main source of high power, but several small ones. For this purpose, the wall and floor lamps are suitable. Light sources can also be used as a bright accent in the interior of the room, for this, it is enough to choose lamps of an unusual look and shape. And additional details will help create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Here is just a small list of accessories that can be used for decoration:
• mirrors;
• paintings;
• pillows;
• carpets;
• bookshelves;
• coffee tables;
• vases and more.
But it is important to remember that everything should be in moderation, so there is no need to overload the room with an abundance of small items. It is better to choose a few that will most successfully fit into the interior of the room.
Another element that will promote relaxation and enjoyable time is a small aquarium. The slow movement of the fish in the water will calm down the workers and give them the necessary peace.
Whatever the design decision for the design of the room, everything in it should be subordinated to a single goal: relaxation and emotional relief. After all, the productivity of employees will depend on this, on which the success of any business depends.