The appearance of the office forms the first impression among clients and investors and influences the formation of the company’s image. Office space must meet the requirements of comfort and attractiveness. The quality of the performed office renovation will help to form a business reputation, acquire a corporate identity, and increase competitiveness. A modern trend is the creation of a “smart office”, which allows you to get a properly organized workspace with maximum comfort.
Features of creating a “smart office”
It is impossible to make an office “smart” without carrying out renovation work. Overhaul of the office is able to change the decorative function, re-equip premises, replace engineering systems. The use of technical means allows the use of an automation system that provides control of engineering, multimedia, and information systems.
When creating a “smart office”, we recommend that you take into account the opinion of the construction company specialists and conduct the necessary inspection of the object. Before starting repair work, Partner Construction specialists carry out a preliminary assessment, the main activities of which are:
1. Study of technical documentation;
2. Inspection of the premises, carrying out the necessary laboratory tests and measurements;
3. Survey of existing communications.
Based on the information received, the type of repair, the list of works, the possibility of integrating engineering communications and their management systems are determined, design options, technical support for the “smart office” are developed. Project documentation, as a rule, contains an estimate, contract, sketches and a plan.
Smart office capabilities
One of the main advantages of such office renovation is a significant saving of engineering resources (water, heat, electricity, etc.). The controllers at the heart of the smart office scheme allow efficient resource management, including in a remote format.
Office renovation involves the installation of intelligent control systems: lighting, climate, ventilation, heating, alarms, video surveillance, multimedia equipment, local area network, and Internet communications. Modern technical systems have the ability to set individual settings, taking into account the office hours, to allow you to manage the situation in an automatic mode.
The controllers used ensure the uninterrupted operation of engineering systems, which significantly extends the service life of the equipment and eliminates breakdowns and emergencies. The main management capabilities are:
• Control of electricity and automatic redistribution of power in the electrical network;
• Automatic switching on/off of lighting, electrical appliances, etc.:
• Continuous monitoring of the state of power supply and power supply systems;
• Scenario control of electric blinds and lighting;
• Automatic security system;
• Automation of heating and air conditioning systems
• Warning about accidents.
The above properties of the “Smart Office” systems provide an efficient workspace and a high degree of security.
Features of the office renovation
The creation of a “Smart Office”, first of all, begins with redevelopment, the construction of new walls and partitions, the boundaries of the premises and their previous purpose are also changed, work is underway to replace or a new device of communication systems (water supply, ventilation, etc.). After carrying out the listed types of work, the team proceeds to pouring the floor, plastering the walls, finishing. Further, the technical equipment, the installation of controller systems, and cosmetic types of repair work are carried out: wallpapering the walls, painting, tiling, etc.
When choosing a contractor to create a “smart office”, give preference to specialized companies with extensive experience. Partner Construction has been renovating offices since 2006, the developed quality control system contributes to the timely implementation of repair work at a high level.