During the renovation of the office, specialists do everything possible to organize the workspace in the best possible way, to make it cozy and comfortable. Recently, the HOT DESK model has become frequently used, in which common desktops are installed. Employees do not have permanent positions and take them only after agreement with each other.
This model was first used in the United States about thirty years ago. It was created to save money for the company. Now it is used so that you can easily transform furniture and workspace.
How does the hot desk work?
Each of the employees has the right to take any place offered. If a person came before everyone else, he has a huge choice. An employee who arrives late can take the place that is left. Each has its own username, password so that you can enter a common computer network and start working from anywhere.
At the same time, the management can make a flexible schedule for its employees so that after the first employee changes, the second comes and takes his place. Thanks to this, you can have a staff of numerous people, but at the same time rent a medium or even small office. It is profitable and convenient. In this case, the office renovation will go off with a bang: you can easily change the functions of the tables, change their location, install a raised floor, under which you can redo communications at any time. You can also install movable partitions, the location of which can be changed at the request of the authorities.
Lack of personalization of the workplace is ideal for consulting, audit companies, IT agencies.
Advantages of the HOT DESK model
If during the renovation of your office, you decided to resort to building the HOT DESK model, you should know what advantages it brings:
• every meter of office space can be used efficiently;
• the company has the opportunity to save money on renting a small office;
• savings on the organization of space;
• using simple materials and inexpensive furniture to create workplaces;
• all elements of the office can be dismantled at any time, which facilitates subsequent repairs.
In addition, a hot-table office creates a busy atmosphere that benefits employee productivity. All problems that have arisen are quickly resolved, and workers acquire mental flexibility, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. Friendly ties between employees are strengthened, which is beneficial to the company.
Which furniture is suitable for HOT DESK
During the renovation, the designers take into account the peculiarities of the modern model, which does not imply that employees can leave personal items, keys, food, donated flowers, etc. on tables or inboxes. It is recommended to install furniture that is ergonomic, practical, and durable, which is universal for everyone. Invest in furniture that can withstand heavy loads and does not need much maintenance. Consider the physiology of employees – for this purpose, it is better to order transforming tables, as well as chairs that can be adjusted in height and moved apart if necessary.